西九101:南音的旋律 West Kowloon 101: The Melodies of Nanyin (2021 March 16)

主辦 │ Presented by: 


West Kowloon Cultural District

地點 │ Venue:

西九文化區 戲曲中心 演講廳、網上直播

Seminar Hall, Xiqu Centre, West Kowloon Cultural District & Live Streaming

日期│Date: 2021. 3. 16.

時間│Time: 19:30-21:00



Nanyin (Cantonese naamyam) is a form of Cantonese narrative singing that was often heard around Hong Kong in the past. The singer accompanies him/herself or is accompanied by musicians playing instruments such as the guzheng (or zheng, a type of Chinese zither), paiban (wooden clappers), and yehu (a two-stringed instrument played with a bow).

In this talk, members of the arts group The Gong Strikes One illustrate with live demonstrations how the vocal and instrumental melodies of nanyin are created and developed based on the lyrics.


陳志江 Chan Chi-kong
李勁持 Lee King-Chi

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