Major Projects by The Gong Strikes One 一才鑼鼓

This page is created for participants of PAMS (Performing Arts Market in Seoul) 2023.

一才鑼鼓 The Gong Strikes One

一才鑼鼓由陳志江和李勁持成立於 2012 年,旨在展現戲曲的音樂感,並探索和發掘戲曲之各種表演形式,包括音樂會、說唱、劇場等。近年亦涉獵跨界演出,如舞蹈、影像、詩歌等。

Founded in 2012 by Kong CHAN and King-chi LEE, The Gong Strikes One strives to present the musicality of the traditional Chinese theatre, as well as explores and experiments with different performance settings of Chinese operatic genres. The group embraces both traditional and contemporary approaches, producing a range of works, from instrumental pieces, narrative songs to theatres. Recently, the group has embarked on collaborating with other art forms, such as dance, video works, and poetry.

2012년 진지강과 이경지가 창립한 ‘일재나고’는 희곡의 음악성을 구현하며 음악회, 설창, 극장 등 희곡의 다양한 공연 방식을 탐색하고 발굴하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 최근에는 무용, 영상, 시 등과 같은 크로스 오버 공연도 진행하고 있습니다.

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